Solo Mum Society - supporting Australian solo mum by choice

No Need for Prince Charming - how 20 Australian women used donor conception to create their own happily ever after when they became solo mum by choice using a sperm donor, double donor or donated embryo

Considering solo motherhood?

Join the 3-week group coaching course to help you make an empowered decision on whether the SMBC path is right for you

Solo Mum Society holidays

Bali 2024 was a fabulous success. Find out more about 2025's trip for australian solo mothers as details are finalised.

Explaining your family

Check out our recommendations for children's books explaining donor-conceived families created with a sperm donor, double donor or donated embryo

About to start fertility treatment?

Get your affirmations and distractions for the two week wait - perfect for when you are trying to become a solo mum by choice